Get Involved

We are currently supporting the Sea Scout Ship Odyssey with two funding initiatives.

Info about both initiatives & other ways to help can be found below!

  • Fill-the-Sails SponsorSHIP

    Program Sustainability Initiative

    The Float Plan: By joining our Fill the Sails SponsorSHIP, you will be helping the Odyssey program fully move into the 21st century. The financial model Odyssey has been using for decades creates a heavy reliance on the income from their summer High Adventure Charters. Unfortunately, that model is no longer sustainable. Our Fill the Sails SponsorSHIP will allow us to decrease our dependency on those charters, maintain the boat at the high standards that the USCG requires and offer even more charters, and reach even more youth in the years to come.
    Crew Call: We need a mere $20/month from 200 donators to create financial sustainability for our program! Skip a couple cups of coffee per month and give youth the memories and skills for a lifetime!

  • The Odyssey Continues

    Vessel Restoration Initiative

    The Float Plan: In the spring of 2021, Odyssey’s mast had to be retired. In order to keep offering the priceless opportunities to our local youth and to those around the country, the program needs funding for a new mast. Why doesn’t Odyssey already have some funds for the new mast? The pandemic. Along with everything else, the pandemic has put a hamper on sailing. (A crime, we know.) On the plus side, it’s given us time to put work into Odyssey, we didn’t have the time to do before because we were busy sailing. As for specifics, we need:
    $60,000 to purchase the tree
    $120,000 to build & install the mast
    $80,000 for December 2022 Dry Dock & Restoration
    Crew Call: Join us in trying to restore her to her full potential, cover upcoming dry dock fees, continue to surpass the USCG’s inspection requirements, get a new mast and provide adventures for decades to come! And perhaps put some funds aside to continue Odyssey’s legacy when she comes of retirement age. Help restore the boat today!

Looking for another way to help?

Maybe your own funds are a little tight right now but you still would like to help… don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Much of the work for the program is either done behind the scenes or with sweat equity. So we’d love your help! You could:

  • Volunteer with SSS Odyssey

  • Volunteer with Friends of Odyssey

Worried about not having relevant expertise? That’s no reason to stay away from either program! So long as you’ve got the willingness to learn and the enthusiasm to show up, we’d love to teach you!

Simply reach out to us @ and we’d be happy to get you connected to our volunteer coordinators.

If you’d like to learn more about the Sea Scout Ship Odyssey, please visit their website @ !