Our Mission

Our goal is to support youth sail training in the Pacific Northwest. We have identified the Sea Scout Ship Odyssey as a program that has had a major impact on our youth both local from around the country. We are dedicated to supporting the Sea Scout Ship Odyssey youth sailing program in three ways:

  • To support the Sea Scout Ship Odyssey in teaching youth leadership, seamanship and responsibility through the exciting adventure of tall ship sailing

  • To financially support the historic vessel Odyssey in serving the youth of the Pacific Northwest and beyond as long as the vessel can serve in that capacity

  • And to financially prepare and support the Sea Scout Ship Odyssey for purchasing a new sailing vessel and recruiting new generations of scouts, captains and volunteers to preserve the Odyssey legacy for generations to come.

Current Funding Objectives

Our goals for our current fundraiser for the Sea Scout Ship Odyssey are three-fold:

  • The Sea Scout Ship Odyssey needs a new mainmast. While it’s a very exciting project to be a part of, it’s not a cheap endeavor. Timber prices are high and the skills to make a mast of the size and type that Odyssey needs are a dying art. The Odyssey program has found the timber they need and some skilled shipwrights with the knowledge necessary. Now they just need the funds! They need $60,000 to purchase the timber and $130,000 to build & install the mast. Help us give back to a truly one-of-a-kind program in our community!

  • Even sailing has been touched by the pandemic. For the Odyssey program, it has highlighted the dated nature of their financial structure; the economy is not what it used to be. The Odyssey program has decided it is time to overhaul their financial model and ask for some more support from our local community. Odyssey needs a meager $20/month donation from just 200 people to completely support their program. Skip 3 or 4 cups of coffee per month and donate to a local youth program that makes a difference!

  • While the vessel Odyssey has many days of sailing ahead of her once we get her a new mast, the need for a new mast has forced both the Odyssey Sea Scout program and us to look at long-term longevity of the vessel. We have determined that we need to start a fund to provide the program with a new vessel when Odyssey comes of retirement age. We are aiming for a goal of purchasing a new vessel some time in the next 10 years. While it breaks our hearts to acknowledge that a vessel as beautiful and functional as Odyssey will eventually need retirement, we are determined to ensure her legacy lives on through the next vessel and continues to provide opportunities for life skill development for generations to come! Help us preserve the traditions of opportunity that Odyssey began in 1978!


Want to learn more about the Sea Scout Ship Odyssey, the program and the opportunities they provide to our community? Visit their website!